Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork
Unaware depicts the bliss that is ignorance, oh to be oblivious of what the future holds, but to be happy regardless, taking each day as it comes with the blind faith that it will all work out in the end.

Digital Artwork
Smile represents the everyday woman who regardless of the day-to-day challenges she faces, she somehow manages to keep it all together, being and becoming a source of succor and warmth for all who are fortunate enough to cross her path.

Digital Artwork
There is more to her than meets the eye. She has bowed too long to society’s expectations of her but no more. Wearing different masks everyday, bent over backwards by the expectations the society not only places on her but what she thinks she should be. Becoming her depicts the different shades many wear everyday, and the resolve in acknowledging the many facets of life that shape us into what we becoming and embracing the journey to oneness with oneself.

Digital Artwork
The community forms an integral part of raising a family. Many parents rely on grandparent, friends and neighbors for childcare needs. This artwork depicts the strength that lies in this communal harmony. And while theirs an ongoing debate on which plays a greater role- nature vs nurture, there is no denying the impact the community and indeed a child’s environment plays in shaping who they become.